Sunday, February 16, 2014

Relative Scale

Unfortunately I have been away from studio for the weekend and have just been working on sketches of the site layout and playing with the scale of the design relative to the current structure. It is hard to see, but the top image shows closer to what I want to work with, but the squares may get smaller relative to the current building. 

Below I was working with how to organize the above ground box storage, below ground box storage, and benches. The squares with a single black line are below ground, single hatch squares are benches, and darker hatched squares are storage above ground. 

I'm seeing the smaller square storage areas as family oriented, and the storage area under ground in the L-shape plan as either family oriented or not, doesn't really matter. But, a large part of the under ground area would be part of a utopian space, and space for reflection. The library/museum space and caretaker will also exist in this underground space.

In thinking about how to light the space besides the voids above, I am leading towards integrating candles with the visitor's experience. At the end of the journey they would approach a wall with holes carved into it where they leave the candles, creating a stronger bond between the space and the visitor, making a unique experience for each visitor. 

When I return to campus tomorrow the first thing on the schedule is to attempt casting the site again. Hopefully it will come out more precise then the first cast did. 

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